I’m trying to find out why capistrano will not run on my computer.
I am running Ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake.
Rails 1.2.3
I get errors when i try to run cap -h or cap anything…
uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Transport::OSSL::HMAC::Abstract
When i install net-ssh i get the message
lib/net/ssh/transport/ossl/hmac/services.rb:31:63: Skipping require of
dynamic string: “net/ssh/transport/ossl/hmac/#{name}”
full error messages:
It must be something to do with my system because I can’t find much
information regarding this “error”
Any help or suggestions appreciated.
Brian Z. wrote:
uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Transport::OSSL::HMAC::Abstract
Use the older Capistrano version, like 1.4.
Dmitry Tupitsyn wrote:
Brian Z. wrote:
uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Transport::OSSL::HMAC::Abstract
Use the older Capistrano version, like 1.4.
I think u have to install libopenssl library
Selvaraj S. wrote:
Dmitry Tupitsyn wrote:
Brian Z. wrote:
uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Transport::OSSL::HMAC::Abstract
Use the older Capistrano version, like 1.4.
I think u have to install libopenssl library
Once I installed capistrano 1.4 it started working great, I could then
run the cap -h command and there weren’t any errors coming up.