Capistrano Deploy: svn: Error in child process: exec of 'ssh

I have rails/svn/capistrano setup and when I ‘cap setup’ it runs fine
but ‘cap deploy’ gives this error

cap deploy

  • executing task
  • executing task update
    ** transaction: start
  • executing task update_code
  • querying latest revision…
    @'s password:
  • executing “if [[ ! -d /var/www/apps//releases/
    20070308213327 ]]; then\n svn co --no-auth-cache –
    username -q -r4 svn+ssh://@/var/www/svn/repo/
    trunk /var/www/apps//releases/20070308213327 &&
    \n (test -e /var/www/apps//revisions.log ||
    (touch /var/www/apps//revisions.log && chmod 666 /var/www/
    apps//revisions.log)) && echo date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"
    $USER 4 20070308213327 >> /var/www/apps//revisions.log;
    \n fi”
    servers: [""]
    [] executing command
    ** [out :: ] svn: Error in child process: exec of ‘ssh’
    failed: No such file or directory
    command finished
    *** [update_code] transaction: rollback
  • [update_code] rolling back
  • executing “rm -rf /var/www/apps//releases/20070308213327”
    servers: [""]
    [] executing command
    command finished
    command “if [[ ! -d /var/www/apps//releases/
    20070308213327 ]]; then\\n svn co --no-auth-cache –
    username -q -r4 svn+ssh://@/var/www/svn/repo/
    trunk /var/www/apps//releases/20070308213327 &&\
    \n (test -e /var/www/apps//revisions.log ||
    (touch /var/www/apps//revisions.log && chmod 666 /var/www/
    apps//revisions.log)) && echo date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"
    $USER 4 20070308213327 >> /var/www/apps//revisions.log;\
    \n fi” failed on

I have no problem commiting/checking out of the repository but above
it’s complaining about ‘svn: Error in child process: exec of ‘ssh’
failed: No such file or directory’

I’m on Fedora 6.


Hi, can you post your deploy.rb? Also, what version of rails are you

