Can't use habtm at all


Please blame SQLite3, not my feeb capacity to read the Agile book, and
all the blogs.

I want to do many-to-many between two tables. Classic relational stuff,

So my schema looks a little bit like this:

create_table “users_props”, :force => true do |t|
t.column “prop_id”, :integer
t.column “user_id”, :integer

That links out to users and props tables, right? So their models
contain the sacred habtm incantations:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :props

class Prop < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users

All too obvious to post, right? And all straight out of the Daves’
Agile book, right?

Now let’s put them in motion:

user.props << prop

That produces a huge error message like this:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
table_structure' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/object/misc.rb:23:in returning’

I know how to fix that. I replace the syntactic sugar with this
old-skool SQL:

                insert into users_props(user_id, prop_id)
                               values(#{}, #{})

Okay. The record is probably there (I honestly didn’t check.) Now I
try to read it out:

assert_equal 1, quentin.props.count

Now check what that gives:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table:
props_users: SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM props INNER JOIN
props_users ON = props_users.prop_id WHERE
(props_users.user_id = 1 )

Why is it asking for props_users when I have a users_props?

Phlip ← NOT a blog!!

You need to rename your users_props table to props_users; Rails
expects the table names to be joined in alphabetical order, and
“props” comes before “users” alphabetically.


Dave M.

On Nov 24, 2006, at 11:59 , Phlip wrote:

Why is it asking for props_users when I have a users_props?

I believe ActiveRecord by default assumes join tables to be named
with the joined table names in alphabetical order.

Michael G.
grzm seespotcode net

David M. wrote:

You need to rename your users_props table to props_users; Rails
expects the table names to be joined in alphabetical order, and
“props” comes before “users” alphabetically.


And, yep, the Agile book says that.

They shouldn’t have put it above the paragraphs where anyone with >5
experience coding Ruby would have started skimming!!!

Redirecting... ← NOT a blog!!!

Yep - I fell into this same trap the first time I tried writing a
Rails app, and it took someone else to point it out to me… Now it’s
your turn to carry on the tradition!


Dave M.

And, yep, the Agile book says that.

They shouldn’t have put it above the paragraphs where anyone with >5 years
experience coding Ruby would have started skimming!!!

It’s an excellent book, the only problem I had with it was that I had
development experience and wanted to get straight into applying it.
After stumbling through it once I then realised that reading it cover
to cover before playing made much more sense as there is plenty of
solid content later in the book (especially in the testing chapters)
that cement things that looked like voodoo earlier.

Just my thoughts,


David M. wrote:

You need to rename your users_props table to props_users; Rails
expects the table names to be joined in alphabetical order, and
“props” comes before “users” alphabetically.

Oooh, one more wisecrack:

Well, I’m off to edit my schema.rb file, right below where it says not
edit it!

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One other thing, you should add :id => false to create_table:

create_table “users_props”, :force => true, :id => false do |t|
t.column “prop_id”, :integer
t.column “user_id”, :integer

HABTM join tables should not have an ID column.


On 11/25/06, Phlip [email protected] wrote:

Hoo-yah. I take it with me whenever I have to go somewhere that’s
computer-hostile. Just avoid the pages I have already read too much!

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Email: [email protected]
Cell: 808 782-5046
Current Location: Melbourne, FL

glenn wrote:

It’s an excellent book, the only problem I had with it was that I had
development experience and wanted to get straight into applying it.
After stumbling through it once I then realised that reading it cover
to cover before playing made much more sense as there is plenty of
solid content later in the book (especially in the testing chapters)
that cement things that looked like voodoo earlier.

Hoo-yah. I take it with me whenever I have to go somewhere that’s
computer-hostile. Just avoid the pages I have already read too much!

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