This is in a development environment. I can upload most pics but
sometimes rails just craps out with:
†Errno::ENOENT in ImagesController#newâ€
The file size or type doesn’t seem directly linked to this error.
What’s going on?
This is in a development environment. I can upload most pics but
sometimes rails just craps out with:
†Errno::ENOENT in ImagesController#newâ€
The file size or type doesn’t seem directly linked to this error.
What’s going on?
i struggled with file_column for a while then started using
acts_as_attachment which made my life much easier…
Ivor P. wrote:
i struggled with file_column for a while then started using
acts_as_attachment which made my life much easier…
Thanks. Everyone seems to say that so I guess I will have to recode…
Taylor S. wrote:
Ivor P. wrote:
i struggled with file_column for a while then started using
acts_as_attachment which made my life much easier…Thanks. Everyone seems to say that so I guess I will have to recode…
I tried the upload_column plugin and it works a treat for me ona
commercial site. Search RubyForge for it and if you need help
implementing it post back because I have a working example in an archive
I can pass on to you. I spoke to the author about several issues I had
and we managed to work them out. I had to extrapolate the uploading
parts into a simple project, so I offered this as a working exampel for
anyone interested.
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