Can't run the code, need help~~~

Hi, all,

I write a DBPSK modulation/demodulation program in GNU and python. But
the main frame cannot compile correctly. Can you help me to check it?

from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import audio
from array import array # Array
import wx
import os # Operating System dependent call
import socket # Socket
import sys # System call
import TypeConverterModule # Type converter
import DBPSKMod # DBPSK Modulation
import GMSKMod # GMSK Modulation


Function: Read file and return data array


def ReadFile (arrImg, fpR):

while True:
data = # Read data, 1 byte each time
if len(data) == 0: # If reach EOF, finish the loop

objTypeConv = TypeConverterModule.TypeConverter()
lData = objTypeConv.char2int(data) # Convert char to int

arrImg.append(lData) # Store data(int) into array
#print lData, ’ ',

return arrImg

def OnDBPSK_Modulate(self):

fpR = open(’./JpegEncoder/s.dat’, ‘r’)

Read the data and print

arrImg = array(‘B’) #the array is char
arrImg.append(0) # you know, for the diff encoding stuff
arrImg = ReadFile (arrImg, fpR)
print ’ ’
print ‘Total = ‘, len(arrImg), ‘bytes’
#self.control.SetValue(’[Read File] - Finish!’)


Start to send jpeg file


Construct graph

tb = gr.top_block() #cheng
arrImg[0] = 0 # you know, for the diff encoding stuff
bytes_src = gr.vector_source_b(arrImg, False)

objMod = DBPSKMod.dbpsk_mod()

#start DBPSK demoluation
objDemod = DBPSKDemod.dbpsk_demod()
tb.connect(bytes_src, objMod, objDemod)

print “Finished!!!”

if name == ‘OnDBPSK_Modulate’:

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Cheng Wang
[email protected]wrote:

Hi, all,

I write a DBPSK modulation/demodulation program in GNU and python. But the
main frame cannot compile correctly. Can you help me to check it? Thanks.

Well, you haven’t really given us much to go on here. What’s the error?
