Can't install xmpp4r-simple

Hi, guys
I’m already install the xmpp4r gem, but can’t install xmpp4r-simple
version 0.3.2. What’s wrong ?

D:\ruby-workspace\learning>jruby -S gem install xmpp4r-simple
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ERROR: Error installing xmpp4r-simple:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

D:/jruby-1.1.3/bin/jruby.bat extconf.rb install xmpp4r-simple
D:/jruby-1.1.3/lib/ruby/1.8/mkmf.rb:7: JRuby does not support native
Check for alternatives. (NotImplementedError)
from D:/jruby-1.1.3/lib/ruby/1.8/mkmf.rb:1:in `require’
from extconf.rb:1

Gem files will remain installed in D:/jruby-1.1.3
/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rcov-0. for inspection.
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JRuby doesn’t support native extensions… yet…

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Yin AnPing [email protected] wrote:

D:/jruby-1.1.3/lib/ruby/1.8/mkmf.rb:7: JRuby does not support native

Shanghai, China


Mike McKinney

Mike McKinney wrote:

JRuby doesn’t support native extensions… yet…

That yet is probably going to be never, unfortunately. There was some
initial work done by Wayne to provide a compatibility layer allowing us
to load and compile C extensions, but it can only go so far. This is the
same problem Rubinius is going to have…even with their “subtend”
layer, which serves a similar purpose, they’re never going to be able to
get all extensions running since many depend on internal object

The best bet for native extensions is one of the following:

  1. Tell the authors you want to run on JRuby, and if you know Java maybe
    offer to help create a Java backend.
  2. Suggest to the others they use a library like FFI that both JRuby and
    Rubinius support which allows calling C libraries from within Ruby very

So largely, the best way to get these extensions supported on JRuby is
to use an existing Java library or to use a JRuby-friendly native layer
like FFI.

  • Charlie

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xmpp4r-simple doesn’t really need native extensions, it’s just the RDoc
dependency which makes this (if my memory is good). You have 2 choices :

I mean rcov not rdoc.


xmpp4r-simple doesn’t really need native extensions, it’s just the RDoc
dependency which makes this (if my memory is good). You have 2 choices :

  • Unpack the gem, remove the RDoc dependency and rebuild it.
  • Unpack the gem, take the library (it’s just a file I think) and put it
    your project.

thanks !

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 6:45 AM, Charles Oliver N. <

Nicolas Mérouze wrote:

xmpp4r-simple doesn't really need native extensions, it's just the
RDoc dependency which makes this (if my memory is good). You have 2
choices :

I mean rcov not rdoc.

A dependency on rcov should probably be a dev-time-only dependency. I’d
recommend you file that as a bug with xmpp4r folks.

  • Charlie

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