Cant install psql adapter for rails 2.0

hello list,

i set up a new rails instance with the new rails 2.0 lib.
i installed rails 2.0 over my earlier version of rails where is add
postgres support
via gem install postgres

so the error with postgres appears if i set up the database with rake
the following message appears:

rake aborted!
Please install the psql adapter: gem install activerecord-psql- adapter (no such file to load – active_record/connection_adapters/

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

i execute the command to install the adapter but there is also an
error like this:

Updating metadata for 26 gems from

ERROR: could not find activerecord-psql-adapter locally or in a

i asked google for results of this behavior but it seams to be that my
error is only my own :wink:

has anybody a solution for that`?

many thanks to you

On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 01:53:14PM -0800, inriz wrote:

rake aborted!
Please install the psql adapter: gem install activerecord-psql- adapter (no such file to load – active_record/connection_adapters/
i asked google for results of this behavior but it seams to be that my
error is only my own :wink:

has anybody a solution for that`?

The issue isn’t with a missing gem, it is with incorrect database.yml
configuration. You need postgresql as the adapter, not psql.

many thanks to you

I think the postgresql adapter is built in, you don’t need to install
the gem. My database.yml has:

adapter: postgresql
database: project_development
username: project
password: whatever
encoding: UTF8
