Can't install mongrel with ruby 1.9.2p136

I’m getting this error message when I try to install Mongrel with “gem
install mongrel” on Windows 7 x64

gem install mongrel
Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32…
Installing EDoc documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32…
ERROR: While executing gem… (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
U+2019 from UTF-8 to CP850

Does anyone know what’s happening and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!

Douglas Fonseca wrote in post #975480:

I’m getting this error message when I try to install Mongrel with “gem
install mongrel” on Windows 7 x64

gem install mongrel
Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32…
Installing EDoc documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32…
ERROR: While executing gem… (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
U+2019 from UTF-8 to CP850

Does anyone know what’s happening and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!

I fixed my issues with Mongrel by switching to Phusion Passenger
Standalone. I don’t know if this is a viable solution for you since I
don’t run Windows. In practice it works in a similar way to running
Mongrel, but instead of using ‘rails s’ you run ‘passenger start’
instead. Phusion Passenger also has the advantage of having the Nginx
core driving the front-end so you end up with an environment closer to a
typical deployment environment.

I’ll migrate to Linux and try it there!

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #976394:

Interesting. I had “rails s” work out of the box on a new Ruby
1.9.2/Rails 3 installation (granted, this was on Mac OS, not Windows).
I’d use Passenger if Mongrel and Thin didn’t work, but I still see
little point in bothering with it for development if the lighter-weight
alternatives function. (I can’t see how having Nginx is an advantage
unless you’re actually doing Nginx redirects and such.)

I use passenger standalone for the following reasons:

  1. It’s not WebBrick.
  2. It’s not Mongrel (i.e. it wasn’t created by Zed S.).
  3. I’ve never tried Thin.
  4. It’s dead simple to install.
  5. It’s just as easy to launch as anything else.
  6. For at least some of the reasons listed here:
    Phusion Passenger Standalone users guide

Robert W. wrote in post #975494:

Douglas Fonseca wrote in post #975480:

I’m getting this error message when I try to install Mongrel with “gem
install mongrel” on Windows 7 x64

gem install mongrel
Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32…
Installing EDoc documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32…
ERROR: While executing gem… (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
U+2019 from UTF-8 to CP850

Does anyone know what’s happening and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!

I fixed my issues with Mongrel by switching to Phusion Passenger
Standalone. I don’t know if this is a viable solution for you since I
don’t run Windows. In practice it works in a similar way to running
Mongrel, but instead of using ‘rails s’ you run ‘passenger start’
instead. Phusion Passenger also has the advantage of having the Nginx
core driving the front-end so you end up with an environment closer to a
typical deployment environment.

Interesting. I had “rails s” work out of the box on a new Ruby
1.9.2/Rails 3 installation (granted, this was on Mac OS, not Windows).
I’d use Passenger if Mongrel and Thin didn’t work, but I still see
little point in bothering with it for development if the lighter-weight
alternatives function. (I can’t see how having Nginx is an advantage
unless you’re actually doing Nginx redirects and such.)


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #976429:

I use passenger standalone for the following reasons:

  1. It’s not WebBrick.

Why is that an advantage?

If you don’t see any advantage, then why did you choose Mongrel?

  1. It’s not Mongrel (i.e. it wasn’t created by Zed S.).

Why is that an advantage? (Yeah, Zed pisses me off, but I’m not
abandoning Mongrel only for that reason.)

As you said, “Zed pisses me off,” and it’s my opinion that the Phusion
guys are awesome. It’s my choice to support them by using their code.
That choice had little to do with advantage. It had a lot more to do
with there not being a significant inconvenience to using passenger.

I also don’t care about the future roadmap of Mongrel 2: So it’s “language agnostic.” I don’t care
about that, since I would only ever use it for Ruby.

  1. I’ve never tried Thin.

I think it’s becoming the new Mongrel.

If that happens, and there is some advantage over passenger, then I
might consider Thin.

  1. It’s dead simple to install.

Not as simple as Mongrel being installed with Rails automatically…

Mongrel is not installed with Rails automatically. When I installed
Rails 3 under RVM it launched with WebBrick, since there was no mongrel
gem. This is why for my case it was just as easy to run gem install
passenger as was to run gem install mongrel.

Yes, it’s true that “rails server” will look for mongrel, but you have
to type either “rails s(erver)”, “thin start” or “passenger start”. So
yes passenger takes a few more keystrokes, but that can easily be

  1. It’s just as easy to launch as anything else.
  2. For at least some of the reasons listed here:
    Phusion Passenger Standalone users guide

Those are wonderful reasons for using Passenger in production (which I
do). None of them brings the slightest advantage to development.

True, but they don’t harm your development environment either, so I
don’t see your point.

Robert W. wrote in post #976399:

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #976394:

Interesting. I had “rails s” work out of the box on a new Ruby
1.9.2/Rails 3 installation (granted, this was on Mac OS, not Windows).
I’d use Passenger if Mongrel and Thin didn’t work, but I still see
little point in bothering with it for development if the lighter-weight
alternatives function. (I can’t see how having Nginx is an advantage
unless you’re actually doing Nginx redirects and such.)

I use passenger standalone for the following reasons:

  1. It’s not WebBrick.

Why is that an advantage?

  1. It’s not Mongrel (i.e. it wasn’t created by Zed S.).

Why is that an advantage? (Yeah, Zed pisses me off, but I’m not
abandoning Mongrel only for that reason.)

  1. I’ve never tried Thin.

I think it’s becoming the new Mongrel.

  1. It’s dead simple to install.

Not as simple as Mongrel being installed with Rails automatically…

  1. It’s just as easy to launch as anything else.
  2. For at least some of the reasons listed here:
    Phusion Passenger Standalone users guide

Those are wonderful reasons for using Passenger in production (which I
do). None of them brings the slightest advantage to development.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Sent from my iPhone