Can't install gem postgre for Ruby


I have two computers and in one I can install the gem as expected, but
in the other, I can’t.

The differences are that in the one that I can, I compiled&installed
postgre myself, in the one that doesn’t work, the installation has been
made with the the .dmg file from enterprisedb

Before I uninstall and install again, how I can specific the correct
path to the pg_config --libdir ?

Here is what I get:

sh-3.2# env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install --remote postgres
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ERROR: Error installing postgres:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

extconf.rb install --remote postgres
extconf.rb:73: command not found: pg_config --bindir
extconf.rb:46: command not found: pg_config --includedir
extconf.rb:53: command not found: pg_config --libdir
checking for main() in -lpq… no
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:
Could not find PostgreSQL build environment (libraries & headers):
Makefile not created

The libraries are in /usr/local/postresql/ in both computers …



On 15 Jan, 11:55, Raimon Fs [email protected] wrote:


I have two computers and in one I can install the gem as expected, but
in the other, I can’t.

The differences are that in the one that I can, I compiled&installed
postgre myself, in the one that doesn’t work, the installation has been
made with the the .dmg file from enterprisedb

I think the swiches you need to add are --with-pgsql-include-dir and –
with-pgsql-lib-dir. If the .dmg does indeed include the required
headers and libraries, that is.
You could also just go with the postgres-pr (pr for “pure ruby”) gem
if this isn’t a production server.

PS: It’s “pg”, “Postgres” or “PostgreSQL”, not “Postgre”.


Isak wrote:

On 15 Jan, 11:55, Raimon Fs [email protected] wrote:


I have two computers and in one I can install the gem as expected, but
in the other, I can’t.

The differences are that in the one that I can, I compiled&installed
postgre myself, in the one that doesn’t work, the installation has been
made with the the .dmg file from enterprisedb

I think the swiches you need to add are --with-pgsql-include-dir and –
with-pgsql-lib-dir. If the .dmg does indeed include the required
headers and libraries, that is.
You could also just go with the postgres-pr (pr for “pure ruby”) gem
if this isn’t a production server.

PS: It’s “pg”, “Postgres” or “PostgreSQL”, not “Postgre”.

thanks for the clarification. I don’t know how to add those switches
without getting an error.

as this is not a production server, I’ve installed the postgres-pr gem
without any problem.

I’m going to try to find more info about this pr gem.


On 15 Jan 2009, at 11:26, Raimon Fs wrote:

postgre myself, in the one that doesn’t work, the installation has

PS: It’s “pg”, “Postgres” or “PostgreSQL”, not “Postgre”.

thanks for the clarification. I don’t know how to add those switches
without getting an error.

gem install foo – --with_something_dir=…


Frederick C. wrote:

On 15 Jan 2009, at 11:26, Raimon Fs wrote:

postgre myself, in the one that doesn’t work, the installation has

PS: It’s “pg”, “Postgres” or “PostgreSQL”, not “Postgre”.

thanks for the clarification. I don’t know how to add those switches
without getting an error.

gem install foo – --with_something_dir=…


thanks, I can’t install either but the – works ok.

let’s uninstall and install again compiling it …



After uninstalling and installing again from source code, I’m having the
same problem …

Wich postgres gem versuion it’s the most newer for Ruby ?

This is a new project, I don’t care for old compatibilities, I think the
newest is the one I’m trying to install.

Do I have to specify some special options while compiling/installing
postgresql from source ?

The only difference from one computer (works) to the other (doesn’t
work) is the postgresql version:

8.3 works
8.3.5 doesn’t work (can’t find the libraries …)

Any help would be much appreciated …



Fernando P. wrote:

Wich postgres gem versuion it’s the most newer for Ruby ?


sudo gem install pg

That’s the newest.

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I have had to add theARCHFLAGS but finally I could install it:

sh-3.2# sudo env ARCHFLAGS=“-arch i386” gem install pg



Wich postgres gem versuion it’s the most newer for Ruby ?


sudo gem install pg

That’s the newest.

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Hi, I solved it by running “sudo apt-get install libpq-dev”, which
installed the libraries for development needs.