I’m very happy with TDD and use it whereever possible. I came across
Rails::Test and hoped to make even better tests easier.
My problem is I haven’t been able to run my tests ever since I made
those 3 small changes to test_helper.rb
At first, I simply tried running rake test:functionals but it just
gives me errors like:
billing_controller.rb:3: undefined method `layout’ for
BillingController:Class (NoMethodError)
It’s obvious to me what the error is - it’s not obvious why. Have I
missed something?
My test_helper.rb looks like this:
ENV[“RAILS_ENV”] = “test”
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(FILE) + “/…/config/
require ‘test/rails’
require ‘test_help’
class Test::Rails::TestCase
self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here…
Hi, I highly recommend using the following for testing your rails
unit (test models)
functional (test controller and model)
integration (test across controllers and models)
I’ve very familiar witht the stock testing framework in rails - I use
it all the time for TDD
I came across Test::Rails and wanted to try it out. It has some
assertions for ajax stuff and a lot of other nifty things that I
would like to benefit from.
So I just wanted to know if anyone else had the same kind of problems
with the module as I have
Gitte W.
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