I am running Rails 2.1.0 and Ruby 1.8,6
I ran the following successfully:
ruby script/generate model User name:text email:text password:text
is_admin:int type:int status:int
rake db:migrate
No I try to run:
ruby script/generate scaffold User name:text email:text password:text
is_admin:int type:int status:int
And I get the following error:
ruby script/generate scaffold User name:text email:text password:text
is_admin:int type:int status:int
Any suggestions here?
Sorry copy’n’paste problem.
The real error I get is:
wrong constant name Name:textController
when I run:
ruby script/generate scaffold Users name:text email:text password:text
is_admin:int type:int status:int
I got it to work.
Had to cut “RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘1.2.6’ unless defined?
RAILS_GEM_VERSION” out of my environment file.
just a heads-up…
text is a textarea or a TEXT column in the database, meaning you want
unlimited values.
Normally you use string instead for things like email, name, etc…
maps up with the VARCHAR data type in most databases.
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Nicholas Stewart <