Can't find bson_ext-1.3.1 **beginner**


I am a web designer, and am trying to be able to edit a group project
that is hosted on gitHub. I am using a windows computer. I just
installed Ruby and Ruby Gems (where is the correct place to install
this? that might be the source of problem).

So I’ve forked a project, merged it(? my friend was showing me the
steps, but he’s using a mac so he wasn’t able to help me when I
encountered the problem). Right now, I’m in gitbash and am inputting
“bundle exec padrino start”, but it says it can’t find: “bson_ext-1.3.1
in any of the sources”. The thing is, I see it in my ruby gems folder,
so why can’t the program find it?

All help appreciated. Since I am completely out of my area please
explain carefully, step by step. If you need any more details, I’ll be
happy to respond. If this isn’t the right forum, please direct me to
another forum if possible!


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 1:06 AM, isa b. [email protected] wrote:

All help appreciated. Since I am completely out of my area please
explain carefully, step by step.

Did you run “bundle install” to get the gems installed?

If that doesn’t pick up your bson_ext gem, I think you’ll need the
Ruby DevKit, which you can find here:

If you still have trouble (for example in installing the DevKit!), you
might want to post to the RubyInstaller group.

Phillip G.

A method of solution is perfect if we can forsee from the start,
and even prove, that following that method we shall attain our aim.
– Leibniz

isa b. wrote in post #1010586:


I am a web designer, and am trying to be able to edit a group project
that is hosted on gitHub. I am using a windows computer. I just
installed Ruby and Ruby Gems (where is the correct place to install
this? that might be the source of problem).

  1. Download RubyInstaller

Use the same version (1.8.7 or 1.9.2) – if you don’t know, ask your

Please read the options in the installation screen to determine which
ones applies to you (specially the add Ruby to the PATH).

There is no need to install RubyGems, it is already integrated in all
the RubyInstaller versions.

  1. Download DevKit from the same page

And follow the installation instructions:

For installing this and dealing with Ruby requires you have certain
knowledge of command line tools.

So I’ve forked a project, merged it(? my friend was showing me the
steps, but he’s using a mac so he wasn’t able to help me when I
encountered the problem). Right now, I’m in gitbash and am inputting
“bundle exec padrino start”, but it says it can’t find: “bson_ext-1.3.1
in any of the sources”. The thing is, I see it in my ruby gems folder,
so why can’t the program find it?

  1. Install the gems

Which I believe you partially installed.

While you have bundler and padrino installed, you’re missing other gems,
like bson_ext

You should be able to execute “bundle install” from the command line to
install all the missing gems from your installation.

There are several tutorials on “getting started” on Windows and Ruby,
please check the list here:

Hope that helps.

Luis L.