“You’re running Typo 5.3”
Any theme I choose -other- than “Standard issue” and “Scribbish” result
Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html
500 Internal Server Error
… even if I General settings->Cache->Sweep cache . Permissions/
Owners look the same for all themes. Any suggestions?
–Michel R Vaillancourt
JKL-5 Groupe Inc.: “The center of your telephony service needs”
V: 514-907-9429
F: 514-369-1562
[email protected]
Le 26 mai 09 à 16:51, Michel R Vaillancourt a écrit :
Owners look the same for all themes. Any suggestions?
Can you paste the error log from production.log when you have 500
error ?
Cyril M.
Cyril M. wrote:
500 Internal Server Error
… even if I General settings->Cache->Sweep cache . Permissions/
Owners look the same for all themes. Any suggestions?
Can you paste the error log from production.log when you have 500 error ?
Done! See the attached text file of “Log Soup”. 
Michel R Vaillancourt wrote:
Can you paste the error log from production.log when you have 500 error ?
Done! See the attached text file of “Log Soup”. 
Interesting. Looks like many typo themes out in the wild may not work
with typo
5.3, due to differences in the supplied base layout files.
Typo’s standard set should work, though. Does the problem occur with
and Dirtilicious?
Matijs van Zuijlen wrote:
Interesting. Looks like many typo themes out in the wild may not work with typo
5.3, due to differences in the supplied base layout files.
Typo’s standard set should work, though. Does the problem occur with Typographic
and Dirtilicious?
Good day, Matijs !
I just checked ... those two -do- work as expected. I didn't
realize they were part of the default set. Dirtilicious looks pretty
good so I’ll run on that for now.
But yes, it looks like just about
everything else at the Typo theme park is broken.
–Michel R Vaillancourt
JKL-5 Groupe Inc.: “The center of your telephony service needs”
V: 514-907-9429
F: 514-369-1562
[email protected]
Le 26 mai 09 à 17:57, Michel R Vaillancourt a écrit :
Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html
500 Internal Server Error
… even if I General settings->Cache->Sweep cache . Permissions/
Owners look the same for all themes. Any suggestions?
Can you paste the error log from production.log when you have 500
error ?
Done! See the attached text file of “Log Soup”. 
It’s miss the file app/views/shared/_search.html.erb. You can copy
this file
(publify/app/views/shared at ede85f5658455f040dd704425149378f21a3fb65 · publify/publify · GitHub
). We reintegrate it after.
You can delete block
<%= render :partial => "shared/search" %>
I extract this to include it in sidebar. but some theme has no
A wiki page explain what change in theme :
Cyril M.