Can't access http://localhost:3000


Pure newbie question.
After installeing Ruby, Rail and al the gems I am following the
tutorial here

I start a server with Mongrel and it seems to be working, but when I
try to acces http://localhost:3000 i get a firefox error:
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:3000

I work under Vista with Ruby the latest one-click install ruby.

I have tried with Netbeans and with WEBrick but same problem.

There is a similar question on this group but no answer that match my

Advice welcome.

2009/10/2 Roger_jg [email protected]:

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:3000
How are you starting the server and what is shown at the console when
you start it?

What is shown when you try webrick (I ask because I am more familiar
with that)


did you check the port number. is your application opening on 3000

check firewall in your system , sometimes it may block



Most of the tutorials around didn’t consider the “Windows users
minority”. That is a problem I pretend to solve (or minimize at
least), with the TrainerOnRails project:

That way, the commands presented in these tutorials are not exactly
the ones we will use in Windows.

On the other hand, this one is not particular clear the way they show
the database configuration section.


delete the blog folder, open a command window on your apps folder and

E:\TEMP>rails blog
E:\TEMP>cd blog
E:\TEMP\blog>ruby script/server

Then start your browser and call:


It must work that way.

I strongly suggest you to follow this tutorial:

In your case, take a look at the first 8 lessons and check if you are
ready with all you need to get this done.

Then go forward with the next lessons 9 to 23. In the end you will
have done a complete CMS.

It works for me.

All the best.

mmm… probablemente el error sea causado por que en las preferencias
de red de firefox no este agregada localhost…

en firefox …

Tab Red(Network) -> boton(button) Configuracion(Configuration) ->
Without(Sin) proxy or Configuracion Manual - Manual Configuration
escriba en la caja de texto que dice Sin proxy para: localhost,
write in the text field that says without proxy for : localhost ,