I am new to ROR. I am working on Rspec…
I have been provided with a full package of an application.
I kept it in my rails dir.
The dir itself contains spec folder with some controllers/models and
fixtures but without spec_helper file.
So when i run $spec spec/ i got an error
`files_to_load’: File or directory not found: spec/ (RuntimeError)
So i simply deleted the whole spec folder.
And again created a new spec by
aruna@aruna-desktop:~/railsprojects/appname_c$ script/generate rspec
Configuring rspec and rspec-rails gems in config/environments/test.rb
exists lib/tasks
create lib/tasks/rspec.rake
create script/autospec
create script/spec
create spec
create spec/rcov.opts
create spec/spec.opts
create spec/spec_helper.rb
after all this … I try to add the testing spec for my controller Users
aruna@aruna-desktop:~/railsprojects/appname_c$ script/generate
rspec_controller Users new
The name ‘UsersController’ is either already used in your
application or reserved by Ruby on Rails.
Please choose an alternative and run this generator again.
I am getting the error as above …
Pls give me suggestions of why i am getting this error.
How to resolve this one…
On Aug 10, 2010, at 6:27 AM, Aruna C. wrote:
`files_to_load’: File or directory not found: spec/ (RuntimeError)
create script/autospec
after all this … I try to add the testing spec for my controller Users
Pls give me suggestions of why i am getting this error.
How to resolve this one…
Hi Aruna,
I see that this is all a bit new for you, so here are a couple of things
you may not understand.
The people who participate in this mailing list are here to help you,
but we all volunteer our time to do this. This means that you have a
responsibility to research things on your own before you ask questions
here. I’m not talking hours of research, but in this case a simple
google search will point you to the answer to your question. [1]
If you do a search like that and find that you are confused by the
information that is available, then by all means, please feel free to
write us here with links to the confusing information and we’ll either
try to help or try to point you to a better resource (for example, this
question is really a Rails question, not an RSpec question, so we’d
likely point you to the Rails mailing list [2] for assistance).
I realize this may seem a bit off-puttting, but if you peruse our
archives I think you’ll see that we’re actually a pretty helpful bunch,
and we do look forward to helping you with your questions about RSpec.
LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You.
[2] http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk