Cannot see webpage, only display directories (webrick)

I think I almost got it. But other than see the default welcome page in
the public folder I cannot see other pages that I created using

When I type the application name that I created using “rails” command,
it only displays the directories under it.

I am using webrick. I guess it comes with rails.
I have seen people saying using mongrel. Which one is better in terms of
working with apache?

I am still not very clear about how it actually works. Any suggestion of
any books, tutorials for beginners of those server configrations?



Have you edited the default.html page in the public/ folder yet? You
to change that to something meaningful for your app.

If you haven’t ran across it yet, Agile Web D. (now in second
edition) is pretty much the RoR bible. I would pick it up as a first


I do have an index.rhtml file in that folder and I haven’t change it
My question is even if I change it, it won’t related to my other

By the way, i forgot to metion that it works fine on the local host. But
when I use another computer to test it, it lists all directories instead
of the scaffold pages that I created. Why that happens?


Bryan T. wrote:


Have you edited the default.html page in the public/ folder yet? You
to change that to something meaningful for your app.

If you haven’t ran across it yet, Agile Web D. (now in second
edition) is pretty much the RoR bible. I would pick it up as a first
