Cannot register a new user

Hello… I wanted to extend my webpage’s user interaction by allowing
users to register themselves. The account controller method “register”
takes care of the process. This is the register.rhtml code i wrote in
apps/views/accounts/register.rhtml :

<% form_for :user do |f| %>

<%= f.text_field :login %>

<%= f.password_field :password %>

<%= f.text_field :name %>

<%= f.text_field :email %>

<%= submit_tag %>

<% end %>

The register method in the account controller looks like :

def register
@u =[:login])
@u = @current_user
if and
@current_user =[:login])
flash[:notice] = ‘Registration succeeded’
redirect_to :controller => ‘story’, :action => ‘index’

The problem it gives a nil object error for the statement . I
donot understand since when im breakpointing …$params shows that it
holds the entire submitted form values …but $params[:login] => nil
$params[:name] => nil

where is the all the data going and why is it not getting saved. please

first you do:

 @u =[:login])

then you overwrite @u with:

 @u = @current_user

but @current_user is set later:

   @current_user =[:login])

so most likely @u = @current_user sets @u to nil,
since @current_user isn’t set before that. In any case
you would lose the newly created user.

And you should NEVER use variable names like @u
that do not tell what they are good for…

Thorsten M. wrote:

first you do:

� � �@u =[:login])

then you overwrite @u with:

� � �@u = @current_user

but @current_user is set later:

� � � �@current_user =[:login])

so most likely @u = @current_user sets @u to nil,
since @current_user isn’t set before that. In any case
you would lose the newly created user.

And you should NEVER use variable names like @u
that do not tell what they are good for…

was getting bugged rewriting the name … so was using “u” … i know its
a bad habit… so changed it…

anyways … i applied the changes and the story saves…thanks…
but all the fields are being set to null. i mean the values the user
enters for login password in registration page are all being set to null
instead of what was enterd …
weird … eh ?? is their a prob with the form_for object ?

Thanks… its working :slight_smile: yes i guess i was hung up on login than the
actual object name “user”

User.find_by_login(params[:login]) should also work fine then !

no, there is no problem with form_for
but you’re using params[:login] instead of params[:user]
a form like this has a params hash named as the model the form is made
the single fields are used then like:
in your case[:user])
should work

User.find_by_login(params[:login]) should also work fine then !

If it has it’s own form then maybe.
But more likely you have a form with some name and some fields.

so if the forms name is login and the fieldname is username then

or if the form is named user again and the textfield is login, then:

because find_by_login expects the single string, while expects a hash with all the users attributes.