Hi all,
I was trying to download rfacebook plugin to start my first facebook
application in rails.
I’m following the tutorial “20-Minute Quick Start Guide for RFacebook -
Create a Facebook App Using Rails in 10 Easy Steps”
But i’m having problems with executing following command
script/plugin install
i couldn’t connect to the host (it says “svn: Can’t connect to host
‘rubyforge.org’: Connection timed out”)
but i was able to run the gem install command successfully(gem install
does anyone have an idea whats happening. I’m using ubuntu
thankx in advance
Yes i am on ubuntu too… and even i get this error… i think might
wanna install some svn libs… go to the synaptic package manage and
search of svn…
but in most cases if you do a
sudo gem install gem-name
this does the job good enough…
Sameera G. wrote:
Hi all,
I was trying to download rfacebook plugin to start my first facebook
application in rails.
I’m following the tutorial “20-Minute Quick Start Guide for RFacebook -
Create a Facebook App Using Rails in 10 Easy Steps”
But i’m having problems with executing following command
script/plugin install
i couldn’t connect to the host (it says “svn: Can’t connect to host
‘rubyforge.org’: Connection timed out”)
but i was able to run the gem install command successfully(gem install
does anyone have an idea whats happening. I’m using ubuntu
thankx in advance
Hello Sameera,
I was trying to download rfacebook plugin to start my firstfacebook
application in rails.
FYI: rfacebook has an official and dedicated Forum/Mailing List
(that includes the core developers) online @
Gerald B. - Internet Professional - http://geraldbauer.wordpress.com
Hi Warlock
First of all sorry for late reply (had a vacation ;))
I had already installed rapidsvn. But today i installed
Still didnt have time to playaround. I’ll try it. Thank you very much
for your reply
Warlock handleR wrote:
Yes i am on ubuntu too… and even i get this error… i think might
wanna install some svn libs… go to the synaptic package manage and
search of svn…
but in most cases if you do a
sudo gem install gem-name
this does the job good enough…
Hi Gerald
Sorry for late reply. Thankx for pointing me to the dedicated
I do hope they will have a solution 
thankyou again
Gerald B. wrote:
Hello Sameera,
I was trying to download rfacebook plugin to start my firstfacebook
application in rails.
FYI: rfacebook has an official and dedicated Forum/Mailing List
(that includes the core developers) online @
Gerald B. - Internet Professional - http://geraldbauer.wordpress.com
Am Newbie to ROR.
I have installed rfacebook gem and when am trying to install rfacebook
plugin using the below command
script/plugin install
on Aptana Studio console(am in windows),No ouptput is coming???
Please help me