Can you add an option to select the ruby interpreter for rake task?

Hi all,

My problem is that I’ve installed both ruby 1.8 (as ruby) and
ruby 1.9 (as ruby1.9) on my system. I use spec/rake/spectask for
my Rakefile. But the generated command is

ruby -I… blabla

it should be “ruby1.9 -I… blabla”, but after look at the code
of spectask.rb, I found this line:

   ==>    cmd = "ruby "

          rb_opts = ruby_opts.clone
          rb_opts << "-I\"#{lib_path}\""
          rb_opts << "-S rcov" if rcov
          rb_opts << "-w" if warning

The “ruby” is hard-coded into it. May I request this to be an
customizable option so that I can set it to “ruby1.9”?

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Chiyuan Z. [email protected] wrote:

The “ruby” is hard-coded into it. May I request this to be an
customizable option so that I can set it to “ruby1.9”?

Please file a ticket at


OK, done: