Can I make text_field_with_auto_complete show the name atribute and then
return the ID of the selected object when the page is posted-back?
Can I make text_field_with_auto_complete show the name atribute and then
return the ID of the selected object when the page is posted-back?
I am having the same issue…
Can anyone help?
carlos.okada wrote:
Can I make text_field_with_auto_complete show the name atribute and then
return the ID of the selected object when the page is posted-back?Thanks!
A textfield just returns it’s contents. It’s just how HTML works. What
you can do is match it up server side.
object = SomeModel.find(:first,
:conditions => [‘title = ?’,
Shai S. wrote:
I am having the same issue…
Can anyone help?
The trick that I use is to return the id as a hidden field. Here is an
example of _full_names.rhtml I used as part of the Contacts demo I am
working on.
I then take the resulting value returned when the user clicks the
appropriate item and convert it to an integer which I can use to find
the correct Contact entry. Using this method I can then update multiple
Alex W. wrote:
carlos.okada wrote:
Can I make text_field_with_auto_complete show the name atribute and then
return the ID of the selected object when the page is posted-back?Thanks!
A textfield just returns it’s contents. It’s just how HTML works. What
you can do is match it up server side.object = SomeModel.find(:first,
:conditions => [‘title = ?’,
This only works if the text contents returned are unique enough. If your
data is more complex or if you have multiple similar entries, this
doesn’t work well.
Dale M. wrote:
The trick that I use is to return the id as a hidden field. Here is an
example of _full_names.rhtml I used as part of the Contacts demo I am
working on.<% for contact in @contacts do -%>
- <% end -%>
<%= contact.id %><%=h "#{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}" %><%=h "#{contact.address}" %>
<%=h "#{contact.city}, #{contact.state} #{contact.zip_code}" %>I then take the resulting value returned when the user clicks the
appropriate item and convert it to an integer which I can use to find
the correct Contact entry. Using this method I can then update multiple
I understand the concept and I tried out some code, but it does not seem
to work as in the example… Would you be able to post a little of your
controller and view code so I could compare and possibly see what I did
To help better understand, Ill post mine as well…
I want to search for a product title and when I click “see” I want to go
to that products page…
In my view I have:
<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘view’, :id => @search_item %>
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :product, :title, :size => 40 ,
:skip_style => true %>
<%= end_form_tag %>
And then, in the Controller:
def auto_complete_for_product_title
auto_complete_responder_for_products params[:title]
def auto_complete_responder_for_products(value)
@search_results = Product.find(:all,
:conditions => [ ‘LOWER(title) LIKE ?’,
‘%’ + value.downcase + ‘%’ ],
:order => ‘title ASC’,
:limit => 8)
render :partial => ‘products’
And in my partial:
Could anyone offer some insight as to what may be wrong? I will say that
when looking at the scriptaculous example I do get a bit confused with
the :message params that are passed… what are they needed for?
I forked DHH’s auto_complete plugin to add the record id to the id tag
of the
Shai S. wrote:
Dale M. wrote:
The trick that I use is to return the id as a hidden field. Here is an
example of _full_names.rhtml I used as part of the Contacts demo I am
working on.<% for contact in @contacts do -%>
- <% end -%>
<%= contact.id %><%=h "#{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}" %><%=h "#{contact.address}" %>
<%=h "#{contact.city}, #{contact.state} #{contact.zip_code}" %>I then take the resulting value returned when the user clicks the
appropriate item and convert it to an integer which I can use to find
the correct Contact entry. Using this method I can then update multiple
fields.I understand the concept and I tried out some code, but it does not seem
to work as in the example… Would you be able to post a little of your
controller and view code so I could compare and possibly see what I did
I posted a description of what I am doing on my blog. See if this helps,
if not I will create a demo Rails app for you to look at.
Here is a the parts that I use to get the id of an object and update
multiple fiields.
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>Look-up Contact By Full Name: <%= render :partial => 'get_full_name' %>
I like using render :partial for all the pieces of the displayed page.
The autocomplete field is in the _get_full_name.rthml partial.
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :contact, :full_name, {}, :after_update_element => "function(element,value) " + "{ " + remote_function(:update=>'full_name',:url=>{:action=>:get_full_name},:with=>"'id='+element.value") + ";" + remote_function(:update=>'name_info',:url=>{:action=>:get_name_info},:with=>"'id='+element.value") + ";" + remote_function(:update=>'address_info',:url=>{:action=>:get_address_info},:with=>"'id='+element.value") + ";" + remote_function(:update=>'phone_info',:url=>{:action=>:get_phone_info},:with=>"'id='+element.value") + ";" + remote_function(:update=>'internet_info',:url=>{:action=>:get_internet_info},:with=>"'id='+element.value") + ";" + "}" %>EOF---------------------------
This uses the after_update_element to force the updating of other
corresponding pieces of the page being displayed. The id is past from
the element.value which is really a string based on list item contents
that were shown to the user. This generated Javascript function controls
getting the data for the updates and helps to perform the multiple
partial updates.
Note: I reference full_name as if it were a field in my contacts table,
but it isn’t. I have added a member function to the Contacts model to
combine the first_name and last_name fields into a full_name.
def full_name
“#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}”
Since I want to perform full name searches using a single field, I
require a custom handler be added to my controller.
def auto_complete_for_contact_full_name
@contacts = Contact.find(:all,
:conditions => [ ‘LOWER(CONCAT(first_name," ",last_name)) LIKE ?’,
‘%’ + params[:contact][:full_name].downcase + ‘%’ ],
:order => ‘first_name ASC’,
:limit => 8)
render :partial => ‘full_names’
The list item content is controlled by the _full_names.rhtml partial in
this example.
Rather than just display a simple list of names. I display a bold full
name and a complete address in a small font to help uniquely identify
the individual. But the important part is what is not seen by the user.
The first part of my list item is a non-displayed text string of the
object id. This uniquely identifies the item without having to re-query
the database which can be problematic depending on the data uniqueness
of the data and if multiple entries may exist.
The string returned when the user selects an entry looks something like
“\n 123\n Dale M.\n 1234 Blah Street\n Somewhere, Someplace
12345”. As you will see, I can take thing string and convert it to an
integer to ‘steal’ the first id portion while ignoring the rest. From
the generated Javascript above, this is the result in element.value that
I pass as a parameter back to my controller methods.
All the controller methods are very similar.
def get_address_info
@contact = Contact.find(params[:id].to_i)
render :partial => ‘get_address_info’
As you can see, it takes the id parameter converts it to an integer and
finds the correct object based on the id. Then the corresponding partial
is rendered to complete the updating of that portion of the display.
Address Information Address: <%= text_field :contact, :address %>EOF---------------------------
There may be a more elegant way to do the update, but I have yet to
determine one. If anyone has any suggestions for improving this please
let me know.
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