Hello all,
I have a file that is not a normal csv or tab delimited file. It is
delimited with the pipe | character.
I Googled and found someone had posted how to parse it… That’s all
fine and well, but now I need to figure out how I’m going to either (a)
import it into a MySQL database or (b) put it in some sort of container
that will let me access each field (like an array or a hash).
If I go through the hash, I’ll probably need to assign each field in the
file a key, and then populate it. I’m having a hard time figuring this
If I go the route of MySQL I know that I’ll probably end up using
This is what I have so far that I found from someone’s blog (I got the
concept from someone’s blog and then modified it a bit to see what it
was doing and what it would do in relation to my file. What this does,
obviously, is puts out the info, a new line between each field, and an
extra linefeed between each row… (each group - boy, am I articulate
today or WHAT?!)
File.open(“i put the filename here”).each do |record|
record.split(“|”).each do |field|
puts field
So, what I want it to do, is say I have the following fields in the |
delimited file:
category | subcategory | description
How do I make that stuff into a hash? I should probably start out small
by putting it into a hash first, and then figure out how to deal with it
in MySQL.
If someone could point me in the right direction, of possible libraries
that would help or the such, I’d love to go read there and study on it
and try to figure it out. Not asking for answers, just asking for
“Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all
things are at risk.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson