Can RoR handle a lot of traffic?

And compared to PHP?

“Pål” == Pål Bergström [email protected] writes:

And compared to PHP?

See section 22.7 “Case Studies” in the “Agile Web D. with
Rails” book.

	     Calle D. <[email protected]>

“All printers are unreliable contraptions from the depths of hell sent
torture sysadmins.” – Russ Allbery

Calle D. wrote:

“P�l” == P�l Bergstr�m [email protected] writes:

And compared to PHP?

See section 22.7 “Case Studies” in the “Agile Web D. with
Rails” book.

       Calle D. <[email protected]>

“All printers are unreliable contraptions from the depths of hell sent
torture sysadmins.” – Russ Allbery

Couldn’t find that, not in the second edition.

“Pål” == Pål Bergström [email protected] writes:

Couldn’t find that, not in the second edition.

They took it out? Hm.

The answer is “yes”. Since Rails invites a share-nothing architecture,
it is very easy to scale horizontally with increasing load. The v1
book describes a case of a Rails installation spread over ten servers
and handling about 300 requests per second of hard-to-cache real-life

	     Calle D. <[email protected]>
	"Let me answer that question with a headbutt."
	      -- Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Couldn’t find that, not in the second edition.

They took it out? Hm.

The answer is “yes”. Since Rails invites a share-nothing architecture,
it is very easy to scale horizontally with increasing load. The v1
book describes a case of a Rails installation spread over ten servers
and handling about 300 requests per second of hard-to-cache real-life

This is also an interesting read…

On 6/13/06, Pål Bergström [email protected] wrote:

And compared to PHP?

  • rob