Can not get CDATA out of XML node using Nokogiri

Input appreciated: Trying to get data from a CDATA field out of an xml
using Nokogiri.

This is the node:


When I query I am getting at best empty string, where I should expect
text “insert PDF code here”. This is what I have tried, without success:

returns: [#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x1252bfe name=“attached_document”>]

returns: []

returns: NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `value’ for

returns: “”

Any thoughts where going wrong (I am successfully using Nokogiri for
other element in my doc.


One way would be to check the children until you get the CData node:

parent_node = xml_request_doc.xpath("//attached_document")

this assumes parent_node is not nil

cdata_node = parent_node.children.detect {|n| n.cdata?}

i think you can then just do:


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Gary W. [email protected]

One way would be to check the children until you get the CData node:

parent_node = xml_request_doc.xpath(“//attached_document”)

this assumes parent_node is not nil

cdata_node = parent_node.children.detect {|n| n.cdata?}

Thanks Gary, I had been trying the .children, and tried what you
suggested to be sure, and I get nil as the return value for
cdata_node = parent_node.children.detect {|n| n.cdata?}

It is very strange - the following is the xml in text before creating
the Nokogiri doc, and it says <ATTACHED_DOCUMENT> has no children, and
does not seem to be any other objects inside the attached_document
node in the Nokogiri doc:

<USER_INFO login="aaa" password="bbb" />
<REQUEST request_type="NEW">
ordered_by="ddd" phone="eee" email="fff"
faxed_docs="ggg" rush="T"
<TRADE_SUPPLEMENT account_number="iii" creditor="jjj"

maybe try .cdatas on the parent node rather than children. Not sure
about Nokogiri but such a method exists for rexml/document.

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Gary W. [email protected]

maybe try .cdatas on the parent node rather than children. Not sure
about Nokogiri but such a method exists for rexml/document.

Thanks. It does work with REXML, out of the box, no fiddling. I like
Nokogiri’s speed but am finding it harder to work with - maybe it is
just getting used to and I don’t understand things, but aside from
this what else I find a little strange is when Nokogiri matches on a
node/element it wants everything in lowercase, even if my xml is
uppercase. Anyhow +1 for old REXML.

maybe try .cdatas on the parent node rather than children. Not sure
about Nokogiri but such a method exists for rexml/document.

This is beautiful in REXML, just give me what I want, no negotiation
– back to the joy of Rails:

REXML::XPath.first(xml_request_doc, “//ATTACHED_DOCUMENT”).cdatas