Is it possible to know whether a method, class, or instance was
by another when you require ‘said_gem’ in (i.e. monkeypatched)? I’m
thinking something that would let gem users know if a gem is going to
override core methods or attrs?
I was thinking that alot of the time, we try out a gem hoping it will
our needs, and ideally, you would probably want to look at the source
of the gem before using it in production. However, if you were able
run some test or metric on a gem to find out what (if any) methods,
instances, attributes, etc., were being overwritten, and where they were
being overwritten at, it might give you a better idea of potential
down the road.
being overwritten at, it might give you a better idea of potential problems
down the road.
One quick and dirty way to do this is to freeze all your classes before
including a gem. Obviously you would never deploy code that does this,
but you most certainly can try things out in a local IRB session.
In fact, I tinkered around with this a while ago and came up with the
never released “monkey_proof” library.
Is it possible to know whether a method, class, or instance was overridden
by another when you require ‘said_gem’ in (i.e. monkeypatched)? I’m
thinking something that would let gem users know if a gem is going to
override core methods or attrs?
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:52:50AM +0900, Nick K. wrote:
Is it possible to know whether a method, class, or instance was overridden
by another when you require ‘said_gem’ in (i.e. monkeypatched)? I’m
thinking something that would let gem users know if a gem is going to
override core methods or attrs?
The question is: how would you find out if such were the case?
Can you look at the eigenclass where the method definition is located
and, from there, determine whether it’s on the original class or if it’s
on some other class’s definition?
For example, I define a class named Foo:
class Foo
def bar; do_something; end
and then I do some monkey patching to it elsewhere:
def; do_something_else; end
How would you determine that the new definition of bar is different from
the original? Or, can you determine that it’s fundamentally different