On my Chakra linux machine the json gem would not get compiled,
I already made a issue for that.
But for continuing my project can I have ruby on rails without the json
And if so, how can I do this ?
On my Chakra linux machine the json gem would not get compiled,
I already made a issue for that.
But for continuing my project can I have ruby on rails without the json
And if so, how can I do this ?
Nobody who can tell me ?
Op maandag 1 oktober 2012 21:26:01 UTC+2 schreef roelof het volgende:
What is the error you are getting? You’d be better off leaving json in
If you are looking for something more lightweight, have you also looked
Sinatra, etc.? http://www.sinatrarb.com/
Here is the bug report I filed in :
Op dinsdag 2 oktober 2012 19:37:27 UTC+2 schreef gsw het volgende:
On 2 October 2012 20:50, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:
On 2 October 2012 19:56, roelof [email protected] wrote:
Here is the bug report I filed in : json gem cannot be installed on chakra linux · Issue #147 · flori/json · GitHub
The line
make: /bin/install: Opdracht niet gevonden
which translates to Command not found, I think, suggests that you have
not got the application /bin/install installed.
Or possibly it is installed somewhere else (/usr/bin for example).
Perhaps you have a configuration problem so that make is looking in
the wrong place.
I can be found at /usr/bin but the gem looks at /bin.
No idea how to solve this except making a softlink but that’s more a
around then a real solution to the problem.
Op dinsdag 2 oktober 2012 22:00:25 UTC+2 schreef Colin L. het volgende:
Fine, The Chakra people say it a json gem problem and say goto the
maintainer or the Ror community.
And the community says it’s a chakra problem.
Op woensdag 3 oktober 2012 11:39:51 UTC+2 schreef Colin L. het
On 2 October 2012 19:56, roelof [email protected] wrote:
Here is the bug report I filed in : json gem cannot be installed on chakra linux · Issue #147 · flori/json · GitHub
The line
make: /bin/install: Opdracht niet gevonden
which translates to Command not found, I think, suggests that you have
not got the application /bin/install installed.
On 3 October 2012 07:39, roelof [email protected] wrote:
I can be found at /usr/bin but the gem looks at /bin.
No idea how to solve this except making a softlink but that’s more a work
around then a real solution to the problem.
You might be better asking on a chakra linux forum as it seems to be
an OS issue. Probably to do with paths.
I apolize but its’s my feeling now.
Chakra said goto the maintainer, I did not hear anything from him.
So I thought the community could help me.
Op woensdag 3 oktober 2012 11:59:24 UTC+2 schreef Colin L. het
On 3 October 2012 10:51, roelof [email protected] wrote:
Fine, The Chakra people say it a json gem problem and say goto the
maintainer or the Ror community.
And the community says it’s a chakra problem.
No, the community has not said it is a chakra problem (at least I did
not), I just suggested you might get help there. It you can’t get
anything from the json maintainer then it looks as if the workaround
of a link is the way to go.
My suggestion maybe a little bit off topic.
But you should try vagrant, create a simple vm. As soon as you have ruby
and virtualbox running on your machine, you can work despite whatever
I don’t think I have done this myself and I may well be wrong but wasn’t
it that you could satisfy the dependency by installing the json_pure
Since that is 100% ruby there is no compilation.
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