Can i access global cookies from rails?

hi -

i’m trying to integrate facebook authentication into my app. facebook
sets a cookie called fbs_xxxx where xxxx is your app id.

but, i can’t figure out how to get my hands on that that cookie inside
rails, cookies[] only gives me access to my apps cookies.

thanks for any help,

hi -

i’m trying to integrate facebook authentication into my app. facebook
sets a cookie called fbs_xxxx where xxxx is your app id.

but, i can’t figure out how to get my hands on that that cookie inside
rails, cookies[] only gives me access to my apps cookies.

If the cookie isn’t in your domain, then no.

Take a look at the facebooker or minifb plugins.

thanks for the reply. i screwed up. in development mode, i was
accessing my localhost, which was storing the cookie under localhost.
when i accessed my app from the domain that i registered with
facebook, i got access using the regular cookies array. hope this
helps someone…

thanks again,