Can Arel handle UPPER and LIKE condition?

Hello all, I’ve recently been on a project where somewhere needs
using case insensitive search(using UPPER(name) LIKE ‘’) and LIKE
I want to use arel and don’t use the old style string concatenation,
can arel handle this?
But I check on arel documentation, doesn’t seems have any upper/like
and check on arel source, under lib/arel/nodes,
doesn’t seem to have any node related to this,
can arel handl this?
ps, the arel way of binding value seems to have its own invocation,
using eq(xxx),

accounts = Account.arel_table

different from where rails old style binding,
like where(:conditions=>[UPPER(name) like ?, '%#{xxx}%]],
so How can I bind them two?

hey, you might ne interested in squeel gem:

Hope this helps!