Can 404.html use the default layout?

Hi everyone,

How do I get the 404.html to use the default layout in

Or is that the wrong question? Should I be rerouting 404 errors to an
application controller action, which I can then customize as a 404?



Sean H. wrote:

Hi everyone,

How do I get the 404.html to use the default layout in

Or is that the wrong question? Should I be rerouting 404 errors to an
application controller action, which I can then customize as a 404?



Yes to your second option.

In routes.rb put the following at the end (after the default rails

map.connect ‘*path’, :controller => ???, :action => ??? unless

This will redirect only if the rails application is in test or
production mode. In development mode it will give you the full rails
error messages.

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believe of things you can do.