Calling find()

Nobody reply on my previous post, so from one day i`m asking on the irc
channel, and no response too. I try to generate scaffold code, on my
problem, to see how it handle this, but the result is the same …

When I do generate scaffold Products/Category
I get controller with name Products::Category and model with name
Now in the same application if I do generate scaffold
Phonebook/Category, my

Previous category model is replaced.

When I manually create model Products/Category and Phonebook/Category, I
cannot use the model or truly I doesn`t know how to use it.

Please, provide some solution on my minor problem.

You’ll need to merge them manually - what problems arose when you tried
doing this?

Why are you using “Products/Category” and “Phonebook/Category”? Perhaps
really just need three domain objects - Phonebook, Product, and Category
with some relationships in between. For instance:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
class Phonebook < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
has_many :phonebooks

Not sure if that’s helpful but perhaps with more info I can be more

  • Byron


I`m building application, which have features user to have Phonebook and
Contacts, each of these features can be categorized in

categories and subcategories. That`s why I need to have
and Contacts/Category, if someone can provide better

approach, please share it.

Im trying to escape the 3 object solution, because I doesnt want to
up my Phonebook controller with stuffs about the category. I want

to separate category somehow from the Phonebook, because Phonebook will
responsible only for the numbers mainly. I`m not sure is this right.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Byron
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:54 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Rails] Calling find()

You’ll need to merge them manually - what problems arose when you tried
doing this?

Why are you using “Products/Category” and “Phonebook/Category”? Perhaps
really just need three domain objects - Phonebook, Product, and Category
with some relationships in between. For instance:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
class Phonebook < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
has_many :phonebooks

Not sure if that’s helpful but perhaps with more info I can be more

  • Byron

On 2/14/06, Julian I. [email protected] wrote:

Nobody reply on my previous post, so from one day i`m asking on the irc
channel, and no response too. I try to generate scaffold code, on my
problem, to see how it handle this, but the result is the same …

When I do generate scaffold Products/Category
I get controller with name Products::Category and model with name
Now in the same application if I do generate scaffold
Phonebook/Category, my

Previous category model is replaced.

When I manually create model Products/Category and Phonebook/Category, I
cannot use the model or truly I doesn`t know how to use it.

Please, provide some solution on my minor problem.

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

The Product::Category is an code organizational grouping not a data
relationship. You should definitely be using three objects related to
other as above.

This also gives you the ability to pull up a category and see all the
Products or Phonebooks that relate to it.

I don’t think that performance should be your primary concern at this
Just get the code to work now in an understandable way and then do some
profiling to find where the problems are if you’re not happy with the

  • Byron