Calling ActionView from uninheriting class

Hi Gurus, I have a class, specified in models cart.rb, which doesn’t
inherit from anything–it’s just a container

class Cart

I just discovered I can’t call number_to_currency in that class. Any
idea how to “include” it in my code? I tried
ActionView.number_to_currency without luck. I could kill a few lines
of non-DRY regexp code in cart.rb if I could just use

Many TIA,

Hi –

On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, Dudebot wrote:

of non-DRY regexp code in cart.rb if I could just use

That method is in the module ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper, so you
can include that module (or extend an object with it or whatever).


David A. Black, Director
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (
Ruby/Rails training, consulting, mentoring, code review
Book: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (The Well-Grounded Rubyist)

The easy way to resolve this type of problem is through: http//
The Methods panel has, for your example, number_to_currency