Calling a SOAP service from within a Rails controller

The following works fine as a standalone ruby program:

t =
starter = Time.local(t.year,t.mon, + (24 *3600)
ender = starter + 7 * 24 *3600
lat = 40.352039
lon = -74.191961

require ‘soap/wsdlDriver’

params = {:maxt => false, :mint => false, :temp => true, :dew => false,
:pop12 => false, :qpf => false, :sky => false, :snow => false,
:wspd => false, :wdir => false, :wx => false, :waveh => false,
:icons => false, :rh => false, :appt => true}

wsdl = “
drv =
drv.wiredump_dev = STDOUT if $DEBUG
dwml = drv.NDFDgen(lat, lon, ‘time-series’, starter, ender, params)
puts dwml
require ‘xsd/mapping’
data = XSD::Mapping.xml2obj(dwml).data

However, when I try to call the same from within a ruby controller, I

SOAP::HTTPStreamError in Weather_map#data

502: Bad Gateway

The code in my controller is:

   def get_weather
	lat = params[:lat]
            lon = params[:lon]

	t =
	starter = Time.local(t.year,t.mon, + (24 *3600)
	ender = starter + 7 * 24 *3600

	params = {:maxt => false, :mint => false, :temp => true, :dew => 

:pop12 => false, :qpf => false, :sky => false, :snow => false,
:wspd => false, :wdir => false, :wx => false, :waveh => false,
:icons => false, :rh => false, :appt => true}

	wsdl =
drv =
drv.wiredump_dev = STDOUT if $DEBUG
dwml = drv.NDFDgen(lat, lon, ‘time-series’, starter, ender, params)

	@data = XSD::Mapping.xml2obj(dwml).data


On Jan 26, 2006, at 10:49 AM, Dean H. wrote:

SOAP::HTTPStreamError in Weather_map#data

502: Bad Gateway

Did you try grabbing this file with a web browser, wget, curl, open-
uri, etc.? Sounds like there could be a problem with the remote server.

Also, it looks like you’re going to be downloading the WSDL every
time your controller runs. I’d download the WSDL and put it
somewhere in your app so that you aren’t having to wait for that file
every time.


On 1/26/06, Adam K. [email protected] wrote:

On Jan 26, 2006, at 10:49 AM, Dean H. wrote:

SOAP::HTTPStreamError in Weather_map#data

502: Bad Gateway

Did you try grabbing this file with a web browser, wget, curl, open-
uri, etc.? Sounds like there could be a problem with the remote server.

Yes I did, works fine within both a web browser, or as I stated
before, within a standalone ruby program.

The error occurs within the SOAP call, only when a rails controller is
the client.

Also, it looks like you’re going to be downloading the WSDL every
time your controller runs. I’d download the WSDL and put it
somewhere in your app so that you aren’t having to wait for that file
every time.

OK, thanks, I will do that. but I’m more concerned with the error with
SOAP call, here is the stack trace:

SOAP::HTTPStreamError in Weather_map#data
502: Bad Gateway
RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/streamHandler.rb:200:in send_post' c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/streamHandler.rb:109:in send’
c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/rpc/proxy.rb:170:in route' c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/rpc/proxy.rb:141:in call’
c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/rpc/driver.rb:178:in call' c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/rpc/driver.rb:232:in nDFDgen’
c:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/soap/wsdlDriver.rb:117:in `NDFDgen’

well it turns out I was passing bad parameters to the service. weird
response though…