Calling a custom Ruby C extension method from other C extension

Hi, in my project I’ve created two Ruby C extensions:


They create and contains some custom methods I’ve added to class String
(i.e. String#headerize). creates its own class and internally it needs to use the
String#headerize method by directly calling the C method in the string
extension (String_headerize).

So I suposse I must create a ext/string/string.h file declaring the C
function String_headerize, and use #include “…/string/string.h”
within my-exten.c. This should work but, is there any other approach?
(note: I don’t want to invoke a Ruby method from C code).

Thanks a lot.

method 1:

in your my-exten use “extern String_headerize( args );”
and then you must require your string lib before yours

method 2:

if you not need the directly C method you chould use
rb_funcall(string,rb_intern(headerize),args …);

2011/4/20 Hans M. [email protected]:

method 1:

in your my-exten use “extern String_headerize( args );”
and then you must require your string lib before yours

method 2:

if you not need the directly C method you chould use
rb_funcall(string,rb_intern(headerize),args …);

Thanks a lot. I prefer method 1 (as I expect is faster than method 2).