Call .setQueryTimeout() for ActiveRecord statements


My goal is to call the .setQueryTimeout() method on some underlying
Statement object(s) used by ActiveRecord to execute queries on a MySQL

Does anyone know of a mechanism to either access the underlying
Statement object myself to call this method, or can anyone suggest some
approach that would cause .setQueryTimeout() to be called for each new
Statement object created by ActiveRecord?

(I have seen

which suggests a solution that solves a different problem.
Mysql::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT and Mysql::OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT are very different
things than Query Timeout, which actually causes a KILL QUERY statement
to be executed on the server.)



If you use the jdbcmysql driver, you can do a lot with the url
With it you can pass in lower level configuration settings to the
underlying jdbc connection (for mysql these are documented at http://
I’ve experimented with doing something like what you’re saying with the
socketTimeout and connectTimeout parameters. We want to both limit the
time a query can take, but also don’t want to hang on connecting to the
database either.

If I want to set socketTimeout to 500ms and connectTimeout to 500ms, you
can have a database.yml that looks like:

user: root
password: xyz123
adapter: jdbcmysql


And in your Gemfile:

gem ‘activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter’, :platforms => [:jruby]

I haven’t played with setQueryTimeout however, and not sure if it can be
configured in a similar way. And to be completely candid, I haven’t
this setting out to a production server yet. I’m also not sure if you’d
want just setQueryTimeout or if you’d still want socket/connect timeouts
also configured.

Hello Richie,

On 28Nov , 2012, at 11:06, Richie V. [email protected] wrote:

If you use the jdbcmysql driver, you can do a lot with the url parameter. With
it you can pass in lower level configuration settings to the underlying jdbc
connection (for mysql these are documented at
I’ve experimented with doing something like what you’re saying with the
socketTimeout and connectTimeout parameters. We want to both limit the max time a
query can take, but also don’t want to hang on connecting to the database either.

I haven’t played with setQueryTimeout however, and not sure if it can be
configured in a similar way. And to be completely candid, I haven’t rolled this
setting out to a production server yet. I’m also not sure if you’d want just
setQueryTimeout or if you’d still want socket/connect timeouts also configured.

I might still want the socketTimeout and connectTimeout parameters to be
set, and you’re right that those can easily be set in the Connector/J
connection URL, but there’s no support for doing something similar with
QueryTimeout, unfortunately. This could be a great feature request for
those guys, but I’m still left wondering about some other way to call
the setQueryTimeout() method for the time being :-/

