Call Ruby file from HTML

hi everybody

is there a possible to call Ruby file from HTML file , and how I can do

thanks in Advance

What do you mean? Embedding ruby code in HTML like Javascript? That is
not possible. Or do you mean something else?

Yousef J. wrote:

hi everybody

is there a possible to call Ruby file from HTML file , and how I can do

thanks in Advance


  1. html file + ruby file on the server, and you want the request for the
    html file to trigger the execution of the ruby file

  2. The html file is displayed in the client browser, and you want some
    action by the user to trigger the execution of a ruby file on the server

  3. The html file is displayed in the client browser, and you want some
    action by the user to trigger the execution of a ruby file located on
    the client’s computer.

You can do 1) with ruby, you can do 2) with javascript, but I don’t
think you can do 3) with anything.

Eruby is a handy way of mixing html and Ruby. It’s like PHP.