Call_backs Is it?

I have the models
1.ServiceDeskTicket with fields

id — number — service_desk_status_id – created_on – updated_on

2.ServiceDeskActivity with fields

id – service_desk_ticket_id – description – created_on –

id – service_desk_ticket_id – attachment – created_on –

 Relations as

ServiceDeskticket has_many service_desk_activities
ServiceDeskticket has_many service_desk_attachments
ServiceDeskActivity belongs service_desk_ticket
ServiceDeskAttachment belongs_to service_desk_ticket

   Now my requiremnet is whenever a new service desk activity as

well as service desk attachment is added the updated_on field of
ServiceDeskTicket is to be updated…(created_on and updated_on magic
fields of rails)…Can I set this in ServiceDeskTicket class like a
call_back…Since I am very new to rails call back functionality asking
like this…Please correct if wrong…How can I do this without rewritng
the code(I ma not asking update_attribute)…If I continue like
sd_ticket.update_attribute(‘fieldname’,value) i have to do in all the
definitions .How can I avoid this

Thanks in advance

Sijo Kg wrote:

   Now my requiremnet is whenever a new service desk activity as

well as service desk attachment is added the updated_on field of
ServiceDeskTicket is to be updated…(created_on and updated_on magic
fields of rails)…Can I set this in ServiceDeskTicket class like a
call_back…Since I am very new to rails call back functionality asking
like this…Please correct if wrong…How can I do this without rewritng
the code(I ma not asking update_attribute)…If I continue like
sd_ticket.update_attribute(‘fieldname’,value) i have to do in all the
definitions .How can I avoid this

Thanks in advance

Your callbacks should go in the class that triggers the actions when it
is saved. eg

#in service_desk_activity.rb
before_save :update_ticket

def update_ticket

because you’re using the magic timestamps, just saving the associated
ticket object should update updated_at correctly. You can use the same
code in the ‘attachment’ class as well i think.

Thanks for your reply.