Call a controller method from a view

I am trying to call a controller method from my view, but I get an error
and I don’t know how to correct it.
What i am trying to do:
I am in the edit form of the model Product, and products can have many
ingredients. So on my edit form there is a text_field where you type the
ingredient with a link “Add” which is supposed to add the typed
ingredient to the current ingredients list.

this is how i try to call my controller method:
<%=link_to “Add”,:action => :add_ingredient,:id => @product %>

This is my method in the controller:
def add_ingredient
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
@product.ingredients <<

The error:
Unknown action
No action responded to 30. Actions: add_ingredient, create, destroy,
edit, index, new, show, and update

the url:


On Mar 10, 7:26 pm, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

this is how i try to call my controller method:
<%=link_to “Add”,:action => :add_ingredient,:id => @product %>

Try this <%=link_to “Add”,:action => “add_ingredient”,:id => @product

Note that the action name is a string.

Hope this helps

On Mar 11, 12:26 am, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

<%=link_to “Add”,:action => :add_ingredient,:id => @product %>

The error:
Unknown action
No action responded to 30. Actions: add_ingredient, create, destroy,
edit, index, new, show, and update

the url:http://localhost:3000/products/30/add_ingredient

assuming that you’re using map.resources then you need to add
add_ingredient as a member action (or you might decide that it is
preferable to have ingredients as a nested resource of products)
Either way you should really have a GET request that changes the state
of the database


Thanks it works better now. But how am i supposed to access my textfield
if I am using a get method in my controller?

map.resources :products,
:member => {:add_ingredient => :post }

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :product, :ingredient_name,{},
{:url => formatted_ingredients_path(:js), :method => :get, :with =>
“‘search=’ + element.value”} %>
<%=link_to “Add”,:action => “add_ingredient”,:id => @product%>

Frederick C. wrote:

On Mar 11, 12:26�am, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

<%=link_to “Add”,:action => :add_ingredient,:id => @product %>

The error:
Unknown action
No action responded to 30. Actions: add_ingredient, create, destroy,
edit, index, new, show, and update

the url:http://localhost:3000/products/30/add_ingredient

assuming that you’re using map.resources then you need to add
add_ingredient as a member action (or you might decide that it is
preferable to have ingredients as a nested resource of products)
Either way you should really have a GET request that changes the state
of the database



Since its a post request, you should have a form in your view, which
when submitted, will ensure that all the text fields etc. are available
in your controller.


Greg Ma wrote:

Thanks it works better now. But how am i supposed to access my textfield
if I am using a get method in my controller?

map.resources :products,
:member => {:add_ingredient => :post }

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :product, :ingredient_name,{},
{:url => formatted_ingredients_path(:js), :method => :get, :with =>
“‘search=’ + element.value”} %>
<%=link_to “Add”,:action => “add_ingredient”,:id => @product%>

Frederick C. wrote:

On Mar 11, 12:26�am, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

<%=link_to “Add”,:action => :add_ingredient,:id => @product %>

The error:
Unknown action
No action responded to 30. Actions: add_ingredient, create, destroy,
edit, index, new, show, and update

the url:http://localhost:3000/products/30/add_ingredient

assuming that you’re using map.resources then you need to add
add_ingredient as a member action (or you might decide that it is
preferable to have ingredients as a nested resource of products)
Either way you should really have a GET request that changes the state
of the database
