
<%= calendar_date_select_tag “e_date” %>

I just stumbled upon this plugin, wondering how I send the value of the
input field for the calendarDateSelect via a non-model form.

<% form_tag %>
<%= calendar_date_select_tag “e_date” %>
<% submit_tag %>

Where do I specify, for instance, params[:date] = the selected calendar


I’m trying to use an observe_form now, but still no luck.

<%= calendar_date_select_tag "search_date_from", Date.yesterday, :popup => "force", :year_range => 5.years.ago..0.years.from_now, :valid_date_check => "date < (new Date()).stripTime()" %>

<%= observe_form “search_form”,
:update => {},
:frequency => 1,
:url => { :controller => “search”, :action => “search” },
:loading => “‘search_indicator’)”,
:complete => “Element.hide(‘search_indicator’)”,
:with => ‘search_date_from=’ + $(‘search_date_from’).serialize()

The value of the calendar_date_select_tag input field doesn’t make it.

Anyone can help?


Never mind, figured it out. I misspelled the params T_T

The next issue: converting “August 04, 2008” into a Time object… or
giving me a way find the difference between two “August 05, 2008” -
“August 04, 2008”… yielding seconds, hours, w/e


Time.parse(“August 04, 2008”)
=> Mon Aug 04 00:00:00 -0700 2008