def calculate (options , *numbers)
options << “add” if options.empty?
numbers.inject(0) { |sum, number| sum + number } if options == “add”
numbers.inject() { |sum, number| sum - number } if options ==
But now I see this output in Rubymonks :
defaults to addtion when no option is specifiedNoMethodErrorundefined
method empty?' for 4:Fixnuminvoking calculate(4, 5, add: true) returns 9NoMethodErrorundefined methodempty?’ for 4:Fixnuminvoking
calculate(-10, 2, 3, add: true) returns -5NoMethodErrorundefined method empty?' for -10:Fixnuminvoking calculate(0, 0, 0, 0, add: true) returns 0NoMethodErrorundefined methodempty?’ for 0:Fixnum
I think the problem is that I cannot take care that the right values are
in the right variable.
Anyone a tip how to solve this ?
def calculate (options , *numbers)
2, 3, add: true) returns -5NoMethodErrorundefined method `empty?’ for
as the first parameter:
calculate({:add => true}, 4,5)
and also, you shouldn’t check options == “add”, but options[:add] ==
true or just options[:add]
I can’t change the function call because I try to learn ruby by a
interactive website.
I don’t understand one remark. You say I shouldn’t check the options
==“add” .
What I’ trying to do is to add the word “add” to options if the options
array = empty.
So the function defaults to “add” when nothing is entered.
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Roelof W. [email protected]
and also, you shouldn’t check options == “add”, but options[:add] ==
true or just options[:add]
I can’t change the function call because I try to learn ruby by a
interactive website.
Then you have to modify how you declare the function.
I don’t understand one remark. You say I shouldn’t check the options
==“add” .
What I’ trying to do is to add the word “add” to options if the options
array = empty.
So the function defaults to “add” when nothing is entered.
Options is not an array, it’s a hash. but in any case it’s never going
to be equal to “add”. It will contain an element or a key “add”.
I can declare it as this def calculate (*arguments)
So i will be one hash but then I have to figure out how to seperate the
options part and the numbers parts.
Then why do you do it? Just set the parameter list according to the
method call:
def calculate *numbers, options
I’m also quite sure that you’re not supposed to subtract the numbers
from 0 but rather from each other. So calculate(1, 2, {}) should yield 1
2 = -1 and not 0 - 1 - 2 = -3.
In this case you must omit the “0” parameter for “inject”. And you
should use the short form:
Subject: Re: calcaulation with unknown numbers of numbers and options fail
options << “add” if options.empty?
I can’t change the function call because I try to learn ruby by a
interactive website.
Then you have to modify how you declare the function.
I can declare it as this def calculate (*arguments)
So i will be one hash but then I have to figure out how to seperate the
options part and the numbers parts.
back to irb how then arguments will look like and figure it out later.
What I’ve written down is simply the short form of “inject”:
Instead of passing a block, you can also pass a method name or operator
(as a symbol). The elements will then be aggregated using this
[1, 2, 3].inject :+
is the same as
[1, 2, 3].inject {|sum, element| sum + element}
But it’s obviously shorter. When you use the short form, it’s common to
use the method name “reduce” instead of “inject” (but both are the same
And the “operator” variable is used to specify the operator for “reduce”
according to the option hash.