
For some reason the caching files are not showing on my production
and I see the file in public/cache directory but it is not rendering on
Any ideas as to why this is occuring. Here is the section cache

<% cache(‘athletes_list’) do %>

Athletes On Twitter
<% end %>
<%=link_to "#{athlete.first_name} #{athlete.last_name}", profile_athlete_url(athlete) %>

<% end %>

On Apr 11, 2012, at 6:58 PM, gerbdla wrote:

    <div class="span5">
        <% end %>


<% end %>

Have you looked in your logs to see if there are permission errors when
trying to save the cache files? Not sure if that would trigger a full-on
error (as in your app won’t run at all) or if you would just see the
uncached result anyway. It’s worth looking in depth at your logs to see
if the cache save is working or not.


Yeah there are no permission errors what is really strange is that the
cache is only rending about 30 records but I have over a hundred

this in the conrtroller

@movies = Movie.find(:all ,:order =>“name”)

this in the view
<% cache do %>
<%= render :partial => “shared/movies”, :locals => { :movies =>
@movies } %>
<% end %>

wondering why I am only seeing a small subset of the data. When
something is cached it should retrieve all the records
and store in cache in page

not sure why it is not showing the entire data. any ideas?

Any ideas why a partial would not render the first time I go to url
but when I reload page it appears. This is in firefox.