I’ve been using the gallery_behavior for a simple directory/file based
gallery. Works well - but have a couple of questions that others may
already experienced…
Is there a way to control the image caching separately from the rest
the site? The default cache is 5 minutes and is quite short for an
gallery that has to generate the thumbnails on the fly. Just causes
overhead and slowdowns. The temporary fix I have in place is to do
sitewide cache - however not ideal for other parts of the site.
The auto resized images and thumbnails that are generated seem larger
expected, is there a quality switch to reduce the quality when resizing?
80x60 thumbnail shouldn’t be 20 KB, should it? Is the option to just
the thumbnails to GIFs versus PNG?
On 25-Sep-2006 13:30 -0500, J Coppedge was heard to say:
- Is there a way to control the image caching separately from the rest of
the site? The default cache is 5 minutes and is quite short for an image
gallery that has to generate the thumbnails on the fly. Just causes
overhead and slowdowns. The temporary fix I have in place is to do longer
sitewide cache - however not ideal for other parts of the site.
I don’t think there is currently a way to individually change the cache
timeout for certain requests, but I don’t see it to be very hard to
implement in one of the future versions of either Radiant or the
- The auto resized images and thumbnails that are generated seem larger the
expected, is there a quality switch to reduce the quality when resizing? A
80x60 thumbnail shouldn’t be 20 KB, should it? Is the option to just change
the thumbnails to GIFs versus PNG?
PNG might have been a bad choice and I should probably provide an option
for JPEG and/or GIF. Also for the larger images JPEG is certainly a
choice since right now images seem to take forever to load.
I might be able to add those features sometime this week or over the