Cache-flushing slowing down Typo

Hi everybody,
I’m running Typo on a 500MHz G4 PowerBook, and whenever I post a new
entry or comment, Typo loads extreeeeemly slowly. Someone told me
that this is because of the cache-flushing mechanism, which uses a
lot of resources. Now, I know 500MHz is a very slow processor, but it
seems like before I upgraded from 4.0.3 to 4.1.1, everything was
working fine. Did something change in 4.1.1 having to do with cache-
flushing? And if so, does anyone have any idea when it might be fixed?


On 28/06/07, Eamon F. [email protected] wrote:

Hi everybody,
I’m running Typo on a 500MHz G4 PowerBook, and whenever I post a new
entry or comment, Typo loads extreeeeemly slowly. Someone told me
that this is because of the cache-flushing mechanism, which uses a
lot of resources. Now, I know 500MHz is a very slow processor, but it
seems like before I upgraded from 4.0.3 to 4.1.1, everything was
working fine. Did something change in 4.1.1 having to do with cache-
flushing? And if so, does anyone have any idea when it might be fixed?

Have you tried the edge? My blog used to suffer badly when the cache
had flushed, but I’ve noticed improvements over the past few
revisions. Also, what sidebars are you using? RSS based sidebars need
to wait for a response from their feeds, and ruby being ruby, we’re
not doing those requests asynchronously.

Argh… I downloaded the latest trunk, but when I run “typo start” it
gives me this:

** warning: web-server unknown. Use ‘web-server=external’ to
installer.rb:243:in start': undefined methodstart’ for
nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-app-
installer-0.2.0/lib/rails-installer/commands.rb:135:in command' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-app- installer-0.2.0/lib/rails-installer.rb:646:inexecute_command’
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/typo-4.1.1/bin/typo:38
from /usr/local/bin/typo:16:in `load’
from /usr/local/bin/typo:16

Is this an easy fix? Sorry, I’m kind of new to Typo and Rails so I
don’t really know what’s going on.

As for the sidebars, I made sure I’m not using any that are RSS-based.