Cache 404 & 500 pages

Hi all,

When I attempt caching these pages as shown below

    error_page  404        /404.html;

    location = /404.html {

                root /var/www/prod /templates/;


                add_header Cache-Control public;

                add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;

                proxy_cache             generalcache;

                proxy_cache_key         backend$request_uri;

                proxy_cache_use_stale   updating;


I don’t see the X-Cache-Status header in the html response. Does that
the page does not get cached?



On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 12:27:41PM +0530, Quintin P. wrote:



I don’t see the X-Cache-Status header in the html response. Does that mean
the page does not get cached?

The “proxy_cache” directive works if you are using proxy_pass. It
doesn’t work if you are serving static files as in the config
above. This is expected behaviour.

Maxim D.