i have a class “RFile” with varaible aruments number (1 to 3) this
class is defined under a module “ROSXUtils”
from the module i have three singleton :
m_trash(one arg)
m_move(two args)
m_rename(three args)
in such a situation how can i play with :
rb_class_new_instance(n, &arg, rb_path2class(“RFile”)); ???
because if i put n = 2 i can see that from the class initialisation
however i can’t pass de 2 args needed here ???
the same with three args
does i have to build something like an array to pass as arg ???
for m_move by example i have :
m_move(VALUE src_path, VALUE dst_dir, self)
and i want to return an RFile class object using :
rFile = rb_class_new_instance(2, <what kind of args here ???>,
any light apreciated