C ext to ruby : hom to manage dirs?

i’m writting c ext to ruby specifically for the Mac OS X platform.

i’ve seen in the ruby files that, for example, RubyCocoa is under a
folder /path/to/osx

i think it’s a good idae then i wonder on how to have my ext reflect

is it sufficient to organize my ext dir like that :

[all the files for this ext]


On Sep 18, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Une bévue wrote:

i’m writting c ext to ruby specifically for the Mac OS X platform.

If it is specifically and only for one platform, don’t bother making
the directory structure (or code structure) more complicated. If it
is mostly platform agnostic separate that out and have the platform
specific stuff either split out if it is big, or if not, separated
with ifdefs (I say that only because even with platform specific
files, a good portion of those files will be duplicate anyways (think
includes, declarations, definition skeletons–everything but the meat)).

In other words, do the simplest thing that works, right now, for what
you actually need… If you need to extend for a second platform
someday, deal with it then.

Ryan D. [email protected] wrote:

If it is specifically and only for one platform, don’t bother making
the directory structure (or code structure) more complicated.

true, it is only for mac os x.
then i’ll leave it as it is, thanxs !

If it
is mostly platform agnostic separate that out and have the platform
specific stuff either split out if it is big, or if not, separated
with ifdefs (I say that only because even with platform specific
files, a good portion of those files will be duplicate anyways (think
includes, declarations, definition skeletons–everything but the meat)).

In other words, do the simplest thing that works, right now, for what
you actually need… If you need to extend for a second platform
someday, deal with it then.

that’s working actually, in fact, in my “extconf.rb” i do have a test :

when /.darwin./ # are you over running Mac OS X 10.+ ?

puts “This Ruby extension needs MacOS X 10.+”

to alert the user wanting inadvertedly to compile over a box not running
Mac OS X.