I would like to program a tool for translators. The tool should make it
easy to build a translation terminology. The workflow is as follow:
- highlight a word in a text through a mouse-click
- and the highlighted word should be written into a file (e.g. in xml
format) when the user performs a special shortcut (e.g. Ctrl + T + C).
Is there a way to do this in ruby?
It would also be helpful if I only know how to detect a higligted word
in a text using ruby?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Bou, seems like you are looking for Click To Globalize
Good luck!
On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 7:12 AM, Bou Dramé [email protected]
Is there a way to do this in ruby?
Railsi18n-discussion mailing list
[email protected]
andré ribeiro camargo
gerente de tecnologia
CanguçuCenter :: cangucucenter.com.br
PelotasCenter :: pelotascenter.com.br
boa idéia software livre :: boaideia.inf.br
Thanks André,
I will have a look at it.
André Camargo wrote:
Hello Bou, seems like you are looking for Click To Globalize
Good luck!
On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 7:12 AM, Bou Dram� [email protected]
Is there a way to do this in ruby?
Railsi18n-discussion mailing list
[email protected]
andr� ribeiro camargo
gerente de tecnologia
Cangu�uCenter :: cangucucenter.com.br
PelotasCenter :: pelotascenter.com.br
boa id�ia software livre :: boaideia.inf.br