Building Ruby 1.9 on Windows

Hello gents,

I’ve just built ruby 1.9 for win32 including Tk 8.5. Everything passed
ok. But running a simple script 'require “tk” ’ produces a strange

D:\Work\ruby>ruby test.rb
:0:in `require’: no such file to load – ubygems (LoadError)

I’ve no idea what does that mean and why so weird message occurs:
“ubygems”. All the environment variables point to my fresh ruby19

Could anyone give any advice how to fix that?

And may be the folllowing message while performing “nmake install” will
say something:

Generating RI…
D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/ri/descriptions.rb:11:in <top (required)>': uniniti constant RDoc::RI::RDoc (NameError) from D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/ri/reader.rb:2:inrequire’
from D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/ri/reader.rb:2:in <top (required)>' from D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/generator/ri.rb:5:inrequire’
from D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/generator/ri.rb:5:in <top (required)>' from D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb:251:inrequire’
from D:/Ruby/ruby/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb:251:in document' from ./bin/rdoc:15:in
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ‘.\ruby.exe’ : return code ‘0x1’

Thanks in advance,

:0:in `require’: no such file to load – ubygems (LoadError)

Maybe RUBYOPT is still set to -rubygems from a previous install.

ThoML wrote:

:0:in `require’: no such file to load – ubygems (LoadError)

Maybe RUBYOPT is still set to -rubygems from a previous install.

Thank you for your idea, it helped me to find out that there was wrong
%RUBYPATH% variable. I didn’t even know about it.