I installed GNU Radio Companion on Windows using these steps.
I have a RTL2832U and as I’ve researched, you can intstall a block for
this hardware in GNU Radio Companion through gr-osmosdr. Unfortunately
most of the steps I’ve seen is done using Ubuntu/Linux. I’ve tried
installing it using the command prompt but I am encountering a lot of
I was wondering if there is an easier way to put the gr-osmosdr blocks
(especially the rtl source block) in GNU Radio in the Windows
Andrew Aragon wrote in post #1177788:
I was wondering if there is an easier way to put the gr-osmosdr blocks
(especially the rtl source block) in GNU Radio in the Windows
Hi Andrew,
I have been working on a project related to radio frequency
But for that i require to capture and compare transients in terms of
signal strength and other parameters. So please help me in selecting and
configuring of various blocks in gnu radio companion.
hi Andrew:
my name is Ebraheem and i am engineer>
I have the sane problem you Wrote about in this post:
Building gr-osmosdr in GNU Radio Companion on Windows
i hope you help me if you have solved the problem>
thanks a lot.