Building GNU Radio from tarball on Mac Os X with gcc-4.7

Hi folks, i was wondering if i might be able to build the gnuradio
tarball (specifically the version) on Mac Os X by using the
gcc-4.7 compiler installed with macports. I usually launch these
commands from shell :

/$ CC=gcc-mp-4.7 CXX=g+±mp-4.7 cmake

/$ make/

but the building process breaks at 12% warning me about a tag error in
the swig directory…maybe it concerns a doxygen issue. However since
i need a fully functional gnuradio installation I am now turning back to
the llvm-gcc-42 compiler so to take advantage of the volk cpu

Has anyone ever succedeed in building the tarball with gcc-47 or gcc-46
? Please let me know…

Regards, Arturo

Hi Arturo - You’re getting further than I am :slight_smile: . I’ve just tried doing
the build using MacPorts gcc-4.7 and gcc-4.6, with the release
as well as the latest maint and master branches. Every one of them
errors out as follows:

volk/lib/volk_cpu.c:54:no such instruction: `xgetbv’
make[2]: *** [volk/lib/CMakeFiles/volk.dir/volk_cpu.c.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [volk/lib/CMakeFiles/volk.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

So, apparently these versions of GCC (4.6.4 and 4.7.3), at least on
MacPorts, do not recognize the ‘xgetbv’ instruction. We’ve had this
issue in the past with OSX compilers, but obviously it has not been

Do you know how you got past this error? Or, did you just not get it? -