Building a view for a 3 model has_many relationship

I’m working with three models:

  • Charge. has_many :budget_plans
  • BudgetPlan. belongs_to :charges, :rollups
  • Rollup. has_many :budget_plans

This works out perfectly. A budget plan contains the ID of a charge and
rollup and then there’s a 3rd attribute for hours. So working with data
is no problem.

My budget plan scaffold works nicely so I can select a charge, select a
rollup and enter in hours and it works great and then in a variety of
areas of my application I can reference any budget plans associated with
a specific charge.

On my edit view for a charge I would like a list of all of the rollups
(there’s a label attribute in my rollup model) with a text field next to
it that is the hours associated with the budget plan. So when editing a
charge I am seeing a list of every item in the rollup model with a text
field either containing a value if one exists in the BudgetPlan model or
just have an empty text field so one can be entered if need be.

I guess the pseudo code would look something like…

Charge edit view:
@rollup = Rollup.find(:all)

for rollup in @rollup
rollup label: budget_plan.hours text field
end form

And result with:

Charge: 1

Rollup Hours
1 25
3 89

Then I can see all of the rollups and if I have a budget for one I can
enter the hours and those then get posted to my budget_plan model
otherwise they just remain blank.

I’m doing something similar in another view that works fine with a habtm
<% for charge in @charges %>

<%= check_box_tag "user[charge_ids][]",, @user.charges.include?(charge) %> <%= [charge.project_number, charge.primary_number].join('') %> - <%= charge.label %>

<% end %>

That is used to determine which charges a user has access to, so when on
the edit screen for a user, it lists all the charges with a check box
and when the form is submitted it then modifies my join table with all
of the ID’s that need updating because of the has_and_belongs_to_many
:charges defined in my user model.

I know this is a pretty simple task but I can’t wrap my brain around it
and could use another set of eyes… Thanks! Feel free to ask
questions if you need any clarifying but I think this is a pretty
straight forward task.


in model:
has_many :budget_plans
has_many :rollups, :through => :budget_plans

in Controller:

@charge = Charge.find(1, :include => :rollups)

In View:



On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Matthew W. <

AD wrote:

in model:
has_many :budget_plans
has_many :rollups, :through => :budget_plans

in Controller:

@charge = Charge.find(1, :include => :rollups)

In View:



On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Matthew W. <

So this is a bit of an improvement over what I had before but the issue
of modifying the records in the BudgetPlan model from the Charge views
isn’t solved.

Ultimately I would like every record from rollup to be displayed on the
edit view for the charge model. If I decide to enter a value for a
specific rollup and submit the form a record is created in the
BudgetPlan model containing the ID of the charge, the ID of the rollup
and the hours value.

Still hacking away…