Build Script issue

I am using Ubuntu 11.10.
Though I installed Gnu Radio on two systems using same script, it’s not
working on new system!

wget && chmod a+x
./build-gnuradio && ./build-gnuradio

checking for library libboost …Found library libboost
Checking for library libcppunit …Found library libcppunit
Checking for library libfftw …Found library libfftw
Checking for library libgsl …Found library libgsl
Skipping git fetch, since ‘uhd’ and ‘gnuradio’ are new enough
*Starting function uhd_build at: Sat Jun 22 01:37:16 IST 2013
Building UHD…
=============> THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME <=============

./build-gnuradio: line 780: cd: uhd/host: No such file or directory
UHD build apparently failed
Exiting UHD build*

checking for library libboost …Found library libboost
UHD build apparently failed
Exiting UHD build*

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You probably interrupted a fetch of UHD at “just the right moment”.

rm -rf uhd

And run the script again.

On 06/21/2013 04:10 PM, Jay Prakash wrote:

checking for library libboost …Found library libboost
UHD build apparently failed
Exiting UHD build*

Chances are that this is the same firewall issue that you mentioned last
week. There are a lot of https links in the script. Why dont you find
out why your network is blocking https or if its a PC setup issue?
